Saturday, August 29, 2015


Take equal parts Lavender, Orange, and Joy in a glass roll on bottle
Add 9-10 pumps of Carrier oil (we use V-6 but coconut oil works too!)
Put on cap and shake
Roll and feel all of the happy vibes! 
Throw in purse and use as needed

To buy oils/carrier oils: here!
To buy roll ons: here!


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I'm guilty.. I'm "one of those girls" who usually walks around with just a wallet or my card tucked away in my back pocket. Something about purses being clunky, in my way, the 99.8% chance of me losing it in pubic, makes the idea of a purse sound like the worst idea possible.

Fast forward to now. I'M ALL ABOUT THE PURSE, all thanks to my oils. LADIES, LOAD YOUR PURSES! There are some seriously perfect oils that I do NOT leave the house without and you can bet your dollar bottom that I've got them in my purse currently.

I'm going to rattle off these bad boys in a list so you get the idea of A). how obsessed I am with my oils and B). how big my purse actually is, ha!

1. Thieves - yes this oil literally holds my hand as I walk through life. Thank you thieves for your constant friendship and support. Not only are you my shield from germy grocery carts, you also smell like delicious fall time and who doesn't love fall?
2. Lavender - we go way back. Like Chandler in the nursery back. Lavender, you soothe me like no other. You are the best guest to a slumber party a girl could ask for. And I always know we will have a perfect nights sleep together when you grace me with your presence. I can also say thanks for helping me calm my road rage when those CRAZY B$IT#@S TRY AN.. okay, okay, I'll calm down, thanks Lavender.
3. Lemon - You seriously SPICE UP MY WORLD. I still don't know why they didn't cast you for one of the spice girl rolls (I totally would have, and NOT just because you're my friend). When you help me understand that water doesn't have to be boring, its like I'm in heaven. I also personally appreciate that you and Thieves equally hate germs as much as I do. So thanks for always being on the same page as me.
4. Panaway - Girll.... you are the baddest oil AROUND!!!! No joke, I LOVE it when you come to the gym with me and help me warm up and cool down with your oily ways. You always put my muscles at ease and for that, you can be my lifting partner whenever you want!
5. Peppermint - Are you and angel? I think you must be. It's like you KNOW when I'm going to start feeling car sick.. how do you do that? You really help me with that pukey feeling and no one else can do that for me except for you. I. love. YOU.

Sooo... yeah... I have 5 best friends and their all oils clearly. And my pickup lines? On POINT.

Ladies, all of these oils come in the Starter Kit which is currently $10.00 off UNTIL AUGUST 31ST. Get your starter kit and LOAD UP THOSE PURSES. Then we all can be in the same circle of friends, but I'll have to ask the oils first. ;)



Friday, August 21, 2015

Today we are talking about BREAKFAST. Yesssssssssss.
We LOOOOOVE breakfast over here. We are all about kickstarting our day with nutritious and sustaining food that will keep our energy fueled! 

Parker and I wake up around 7am each morning. This looks like, wake up, roll around a couple of times, actually get out of bed, let the dog out, feed the dog, COFFEE, and begin cooking breakfast!
We think its highly important to cook a nutritious meal to start your day. Yes occasionally if you're on the run, a shake will have to do, but we try to avoid that at all cost and wake up early to get that cooked breakfast in!

Every morning, I eat a few eggs/eggwhites, and a cup of spinach! Occasionally I'll throw in some bacon if I don't have avocado instead. This meal helps me last until lunch time and if I didn't eat breakfast, well, lets juts say I would be the worst human to interact with ever, and Parker would totally agree.

After we eat our breakfast we had a nice cold glass of water with a drop of lemon! And there ya have it! A wonderfully delicious breakfast and yummy water to start our day.

What does your morning look like?


Monday, August 17, 2015

You knew this post was coming for awhile. Deep down you have been thinking, "that nightly face oily and other face stuff is coming, I know it". Anddd you were RIGHT! I'm about to talk allllllllll about that nightly skin "beautifying" process. And y'all, my face hasn't ever been more thankful. My face seriously loves me. Like kissy emoji face loves me. You're welcome face.

I LOVE the Hemp Lavender soap you see up in our picture for my shower after the gym! Once I'm all squeaky clean, I will apply my Lavender body butter to my arms and neck, and sometimes knee caps. Next comes the oily face process!

*lets be honest though, this is every other night because sometimes I just need to go straight to bed.

1. Get a face cloth nice and warm (I like mine extra warm but if you're sensitive, keep it luke warm)
2. While my face cloth is getting hot under the sink water, I rub some coconut oil on my face for a good minute.
3. I then take the face cloth that has just been soaking wonderful hot water, and wipe off the dirt and makeup from my day
4. I then repeat step 1 and wipe my face once more
5. Pat the face dry and apply one pump of V-6 oil and one drop of Frankincense oil all over!Using straight Frankincense oil keeps me happy because I know it is therapeutic and chemical FREE.. rather than using other anti-aging products that are filled with crap
6. I wait about two minutes to let the Frank do its job and really soak into my skin
7. Next goes on Tea Tree oil (melaleuca) with the roller ball attachment. I specifically put the Tea Tree on blemishes and on black heads located on my nose. Wait another 2 minutes
8. Last but not least, I pat some lavender on!

Once I finish off my oily face process, I finish the night with some Badger balm for my rough and
callused hands from weight lifting!

And there ya have it! A wonderful night with a clean + healthy + happy + smelling good body!
Also, check out the app called "Think Dirty". It lets you know what products you are using have bad chemicals in them! They will rate your product from 0 (being the best) to 10 (being the worst for you). All products above, minus one of them, were rated ZERO (the badger balm got a 1)!!

Ps. Your face/body will thank you.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

When I was a kiddo I wanted to be a boy so BAD. I played all of the sports, asked my mom to buy me Old Navy boy shirts/shorts, rebelled agains makeup of any kind, was SO angry when I first experienced my period. All of it. MAKE ME A BOY, Jesus! I didn't understand, I didn't grasp who I was, what my body was and could be. I have to be a boy so I don't have to care about makeup or wearing dresses, I would think.

But with age comes the ever so slight defogging of the eyes.
I realized that being a woman didn't mean I couldn't play sports. Didn't mean I HAD to wear makeup.. but could if I wanted, and how powerful that realization was.

I can be pretty and strong while wearing my husbands baggy shirts, or I can be sophisticated and wild with a face full of makeup on and an awesome tight dress. I could play sports just as good as the boys, while sporting my favorite mascara.

Ah the beauty of being a woman.  Not only do we get the perks of being strong "like the guys", but we also get the wonderful blessing of being beautiful and fragile too, all at the same time.

I am so blessed to be who I am and I know I was made in the eyes of my creator. Beautiful, strong, caring, fierce, independent, and dependent all in one wonderfully made body. Embrace your womanhood with open arms. Love yourself and it will shine through you brighter than anything else.

Young Living Essential Oils we love as a WOMAN:

-Progessence Plus
-Dragon Time
-Lady Sclareol
-Gentle Baby

and so many more!


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

"Essential oils are nature's volatile aromatic compounds generated within shrubs, flowers, trees, root, bushes, and seeds." - Essential Oils Pocket Reference

Playing with flowers and enjoying essential oils all at the same time today.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Any journey my family and I embark on, is one that involves Jesus. Plain and simple. Any big decisions we make, we seek guidance from scripture and from our loving family and friends. We make our lives centered around the very fact that we live to LOVE others and to make Him be known.

With that being said, we like to have quiet times at the beginning of each of our mornings. We make our coffee, diffuse our Joy essential oil,  gather our thoughts, and grab our devotionals and bibles. We dedicate this time in the morning to prepare us for the long day ahead. We want to face each day with a bold and firm stance that no matter what life throws our way, we will be okay and rely on the strength we find in Jesus.

Whether your morning ritual looks like scrambling the kids around getting ready for school, hitting the gym bright and early, or even sleeping in, we highly suggest that you take the time to reflect on who you are, who you love, and what you live for. It is always so refreshing to start the day with positive thoughts and remembering that people in this world LOVE YOU.

Enjoy the day and love others.


Monday, August 10, 2015

A LOT of people these days are all about essential oils. Which is AWESOME. However, so many people don't understand that there are many, MANY different kind of essential oils out there and they are all classified under different "grades". Please make sure you do your homework when buying essential oils because they aren't all the same, and some of them are just no bueno. 

I'm going to take advantage of this blog post today by explaining the differences between each kind of essential oil grade. Hopefully this helps when you go to purchase your oils!

1. This grade is the kind you will find at grocery stores, etc..
2. This grade is STRICTLY made for its scent qualities and that is IT. If you're looking for a nice perfume to use very lightly on your skin, then this will do just fine for you.
3. You will see that this grade of oil is MUCH cheaper. This is because it has been distilled at a HIGH temperature (all benefits from the oil is now lost), fillers have been added to make large batches (which mean chemicals have also been added), and it is NOT organic or safe to ingest.
4. You do not want to much of this oil on your skin, diffuse, and definitely DO NOT put in food or water.

1. This grade is usually safe to ingest and may be organic
2. This grade may have been distilled and processed at a HIGH temperature which means it has lost some of its neutral therapeutic benefits.
- Think of eating a RAW green bell pepper. This raw green bell pepper has so many nutritional benefits and loaded with enzymes and other things that are great for the body. If you were to cook the bell pepper at a high temperature, while its still delicious and good to eat, your body is missing out on some of those RAW key nutrients. Same goes with oils, if you are heating oils at a high temperature, the oil will lose some of its natural therapeutic benefits that the body would have taken full advantage of.

1. This grade is distilled at a low pressure to ensure that the beneficial plant compounds in EACH batch remain safe and noncompromised. 
2. This grade is never altered, no fillers ever added, NEVER any chemicals
3. This grade is safe to ingest and to be used on all humans at any age
4. Young Living prides themselves knowing that they only give their customers the best therapeutic grade essential oils possible.

Again if you are looking to purchase oils, please make sure you know which grade that oil is and make sure you are buying something that is SAFE for you and your family! Young living has 20+ years of experience in producing therapeutic grade oils and we stand behind them firmly.

When discussing Essential Oil & their capabilities, we are only speaking of Young Living Essential Oils which are 100% pure without a drop of adulteration or dilution.
We cannot attest to other brands whether they are 100% pure or not. Remember, if the oil is adulterated at all it will not provide the same results as discussed and very possibly can cause harm.
If you choose to purchase another brand, please make sure to research and make sure your are buying a high quality oil.

WARNING: This website is not a resource for providing medical advice. Postings made at this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products discussed here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*please note that no results can be promised 



Sunday, August 9, 2015

Oh man oh man, we love our oils so dang much. We have been getting a LOT of questions about our essential oils so I decided to record a little INTRO TO OILS class. Listen to me ramble about the awesome benefits of essential oils and maybe have a glass of wine while you're at it. 

Click this link to listen along! BEGINNERS//INTRO TO OILS CLASS

If you have any questions about your oils or how to buy oils email us at 

We can't wait to hear from you!


Saturday, August 8, 2015

I am so glad you stopped by our blog and have interest in what the heck is going on around here!
This is a place where we will be sharing:

+our thoughts and testimonies on essential oils
+fun diffuser and DIY recipes
+personal health and dieting stories
+family and pet blends and oils we suggest
+so much more

I know how crucial it is to live a healthy and clean lifestyle. My mother was the perfect example of this to me when I was a young girl! She was so active in the tennis community, lifted weights, ran, and carried around a baby girl all at the age of 43. She was eventually diagnosed with MS and slowly started to struggle with day-to-day rituals. Unfortunately, I watched MS deteriorate my Mother and she sadly gave up on her healthy lifestyle and clean eating. She passed away when I was seventeen and from that moment forward, I knew I would do everything in me to promote a healthy lifestyle for myself and my future family, no matter what life threw at us. I look back and wonder what life would have been like IF she kept pushing through the daily struggles, IF she would have kept her active lifestyle, IF she stayed away from the processed food towards the end, IF she would have replaced some of the chemicals she had in her life. But we can't live our lives on wondering "IF" all of the time. So with that, I throw away the IF's in my life and say I WILL make a difference for myself,  I WILL promote an active lifestyle for me and my family, I WILL rid of those unneeded chemicals that lay under my sink in our kitchen, I WILL try my hardest to keep pushing forward no matter WHAT life hands me.

So here I am, a young and newly married gal, trying my best to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for me, Parker (husband), and our dog, Mila. Parker and I are active in our Crossfit Community, and we both LOVE weightlifting. We enjoy eating "clean" and occasionally having pizza, because yes, we are human. We love our Creator and we love what we have been given. And we love our essential oils.

I know that with Young Living essential oils, I can promote my healthy lifestyle, I can rid of those toxic chemicals in my home, I can help relax and relieve my tense muscles after a workout, I can sleep peacefully with my diffuser running, I can calm my dog down with a drop of lavender, and I can make a difference with my oils. Parker and I truly believe that essential oils have changed our lives for the better and we wouldn't want to hold that kind of information from our friends and family if they can benefit too.

We want everyone to do what is best for them and what works for their family. If you aren't interested in oils quite yet for you and your family, then good! Do what YOU need to do for you and your family and when the time comes, we will be here waiting to answer any questions you have about oils and will always be here to help.

If you are ready to try oils, we are so excited and we welcome you with our arms wide open. We think everyone deserves to live a life THEY choose for themselves and if you CHOOSE oils then welcome to a wonderful oily journey that awaits you and your family!

To be apart of our Wandering Essentials oil community you can find out more information HERE! 
Again, thank you for following along as we go through this life together.


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