Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I'm guilty.. I'm "one of those girls" who usually walks around with just a wallet or my card tucked away in my back pocket. Something about purses being clunky, in my way, the 99.8% chance of me losing it in pubic, makes the idea of a purse sound like the worst idea possible.

Fast forward to now. I'M ALL ABOUT THE PURSE, all thanks to my oils. LADIES, LOAD YOUR PURSES! There are some seriously perfect oils that I do NOT leave the house without and you can bet your dollar bottom that I've got them in my purse currently.

I'm going to rattle off these bad boys in a list so you get the idea of A). how obsessed I am with my oils and B). how big my purse actually is, ha!

1. Thieves - yes this oil literally holds my hand as I walk through life. Thank you thieves for your constant friendship and support. Not only are you my shield from germy grocery carts, you also smell like delicious fall time and who doesn't love fall?
2. Lavender - we go way back. Like Chandler in the nursery back. Lavender, you soothe me like no other. You are the best guest to a slumber party a girl could ask for. And I always know we will have a perfect nights sleep together when you grace me with your presence. I can also say thanks for helping me calm my road rage when those CRAZY B$IT#@S TRY AN.. okay, okay, I'll calm down, thanks Lavender.
3. Lemon - You seriously SPICE UP MY WORLD. I still don't know why they didn't cast you for one of the spice girl rolls (I totally would have, and NOT just because you're my friend). When you help me understand that water doesn't have to be boring, its like I'm in heaven. I also personally appreciate that you and Thieves equally hate germs as much as I do. So thanks for always being on the same page as me.
4. Panaway - Girll.... you are the baddest oil AROUND!!!! No joke, I LOVE it when you come to the gym with me and help me warm up and cool down with your oily ways. You always put my muscles at ease and for that, you can be my lifting partner whenever you want!
5. Peppermint - Are you and angel? I think you must be. It's like you KNOW when I'm going to start feeling car sick.. how do you do that? You really help me with that pukey feeling and no one else can do that for me except for you. I. love. YOU.

Sooo... yeah... I have 5 best friends and their all oils clearly. And my pickup lines? On POINT.

Ladies, all of these oils come in the Starter Kit which is currently $10.00 off UNTIL AUGUST 31ST. Get your starter kit and LOAD UP THOSE PURSES. Then we all can be in the same circle of friends, but I'll have to ask the oils first. ;)



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